Aug 6, 2009



During these practices we recognize two types of guide

Usually work on the General Travel Bureau, it was as good employees
(payroll guide) as well as the usual honorarium referred to as "Freelance - Guide ".

Most operate on a particular object such as the Museum, the Temples at a Pura,
the ancient monument, heritage, and so forth.

Guide is one of the residents or citizens of a State, which can give an explanation of something concerning the matter of the nation and country, and act as a salesman for the region or country, and can promote the tourist trade.

The requirements that must be fulfilled is a guide:

Spruce and interesting with the adjusted time. Overall, both physical, face, attitude
talent how to dress and grooming should reflect your personality.

1. Happy in every appearance and easy to interact
2. Always try to agree at the request or suggestion of group members
(An agreeable personality)
3. Always take something good and interesting for tourists
4. Helpful assistance requested without asking first by tourist

Guide should not be lost his / her caused a decline in authority, and should not be valued does not make himself. He must be able to keep distance so that he can be respected by the group brought.
C. Ability to communication

Guide must know and master a foreign language and subject-specific discussed
the subject, told, explained, with detailed material.
Travelers always expect an explanation of the State which to visit, history,
manners and customs, art culture, and so forth.
If there is a question which can not be answered, so be wise, and questions can
be directed to matters that may be more controlled, without a lie that caused a
decline in authority,

D. Rules of Conduct

Guide should act as a diplomat with the always smiling and continue to practice at
every opportunity.
Guide must be strong in personality actions as follows:

1. Behavior will make an impression, what is the actual state and act as
"The Ambassador of your country"
2. Be polite
3. Convince the face and feeling optimistic. Do not be nervous or trembling,
or worry. This is called "Keep calm, cool and collected"
4. Have humorous nature and create excitement (maintain a sense of humor in
all situation)
5. Remove the negative prejudices and do not harm the feelings of tourists
6. Give the same service to all members of the entourage
7. Try always give an answer with a quick and brief. Action is the best way Honesty
and Politeness in the best policies.
8. Avoid discussing personal problems of tourists
9. Avoid receive gifts at duty
10. Do not take entourage to the areas off-limits
11. Do not give critiques of the other services Travel Bureau



Communication with members of the group of tourists brought by giving the commentary in the form of speech that was delivered to all participants traveling entourage.
Commentary concentrated on an object or area that is being seen or visit.

Commentary aspects must be fulfilled as follows:
a. Can convince them that more than a note from the brochure and other promotional media.
b. Commentary submitted must be clear and bright with a prepared topic, assess the situation
and condition must be legitimate and can convey ideas.
c. Commentary should be continuous, not disjointed, but not too much talking. Not monotone, to
vary with fresh humor.
d. Guide should be aware that: Travelers who are important and provide benefits for companies
which guide work.

Travelers is always correct because the "Tourist is the King."
Travelers need to be care their feelings, such as tourists as a small children who always want
to be in attention, pampered, and not at all like to consider insignificant.

To be continued ….

LA ZZIDOtourism & traveling

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