Aug 18, 2009

staying in shape


Is your profession requires you to travel often? If the distance is not too far may not be a problem too.

However, if you have to fly across multiple time zones, most likely you will be jet-lag.
In addition to fatigue you may be to go through disorientation, digestive disturbances, headache and insomnia.
Issue will growing stress if you think the work will be faced. Let not stress, try to always make balance between work and play.
So when morning to afternoon is for work, the afternoon until the night it can walk.

Preparation can be set. If you already know will travel across a different time zone, you can rearrange by adjusting your bedtime. For example, you travel towards the east, since a few days before, go bed one hour earlier for each local time of your skip. Conversely, if you are traveling towards the west, go bed one more late hours for each local time.

Try to always take the time to light sport at least one hour when are not traveling.

What about eating? Do not clear up to less, especially absent. If you need to add supplements or vitamins, milk plus high-dose vitamin C to increase the body's resistance.
So, go through and travel far do not for a reason not in shape.
But, of course, there must be willingness.

LA ZZIDOtourism&traveling

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